Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hello? Is this thing on?

I'd like to say I'm excitedly dusting off my computer and cracking my knuckles before anxiously digging into writing here again, but the truth is my husband got me a new laptop for Christmas and has since essentially begged me to pick up blogging journaling in this space again, so I'm really here out of inadvertent obligation (no offense, friends).

The thing is though, I'm nervous. It's been just over 5 years since I've caved to the unique vulnerability that blogging brings and I often wonder if I even have anything to bring to the table anymore.

Except that I know I do.

I have our story.

That alone is enough for my husband me.

So, instead of making this incredibly awkward (as I seem to always do), I guess I'll just jump right in with a quick (extremely watered down) summary of what's happened the last few years.

Besides the usual things that happen over time (the kids getting older every day), the biggest thing is the completion of our adoption from Burundi (Africa). Rory (Aurora Celesta) is the light of all of our lives (even when she's being a total threenager). She's been home for a year and a few months and we can hardly remember the pain of the (4+ year) wait or even much of what life was like before she was in it. She is nothing short of incredible and she blesses pretty much everyone she comes in contact with (except for the dog - he's not impressed). More on our adoption timeline on this link.

We also bought my parent's house and 42 acres in May of 2016. We've been excitedly writing to-do lists for the farm and adding to them faster than we're ever checking things off but we're still stoked about the future here and have a bazillion plans that will eventually maybe? happen. So far we have one dog, two cats, and 5 chickens. Calves and another puppy are in the near future though!

Talie is now 17, Carter is 15, Jack is 12, Fischer is 7, and Rory is 3 (I know! I can't believe it either.). The older 4 are all currently playing basketball and Jeff is helping coach Tal's team. I'm captain of packing dinners to be eaten in the car and team manager of all schedules. This job does not pay well but wine helps it's worth it. Our lives are constant full-court-press chatter and we wouldn't have it any other way.

I've slowed my roll with social media (comparison was stealing my joy) so if you ever wonder what we're up to, I'll be updating life as we know it here in my own little corner. Welcome (back?), friends.

((Oh oh oh! I almost forgot to tell you - I also updated the name of the blog to Five Arrows Farm (formerly known as "Six in the Sticks"). During the time I was on my writing hiatus, I got a tattoo (gasp!) of 5 arrows - one for each of our kids. Psalms 127:4,5 "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior blessed is he whose quiver is full of them." That's the name of our land property and now our internet property too.))

Okay, I'm going now.

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