Friday, May 2, 2014

and we're off

It's amazing to think that in just 3 short years I completely forgot how much fun packing up all the crap stuff for a family of six is and moving! {I'll take a side of sarcasm to go, please.}

Along with one of the kids' toothbrushes, my extra pillow cases, and nice cool Spring weather, I think I've lost my sanity over the course of this week.

We can barely get from one room to another without literally climbing over boxes, which Fischer actually loves when he's not stuck in baby prison the pack-and-play. The house looks like it threw up but whatever (I know, I know - it's all part of the "process").

Early this morning Jeff pulled up the YukonXL (with the enclosed trailer hooked on behind it) to the front door and I'm finally feeling like this might actually happen maybe even before I get prescribed a straight jacket and padded walls. He took today off work (but not before heading in at 5am to tie up some loose ends - I swear that guy's work ethic is stronger than my addiction to coffee) and we're excited to literally get stuff moving!

Alrighty, friends, here we go!

{Feel free to pray for my children. This could be a long couple of days for them to have to be around me.} 


  1. I will take this opportunity to point out, 3 years ago, you were not a family of six!! :)

    Moving would suck. But, being moved will be wonderful!

  2. Ha! You're right! Oops!

    And yes, we can't wait to be in completely! :) You'll have to stop by this summer and play (or whatever, lol) - and then we can take the kids to the lake! :)
